Compliments from the backseat of my car.
Oklahoma: T-minus 6 days.It's been getting really cloudy and rainy here in southern Miami this mid-December. Usually cold fronts start trickling in from Canada into Michigan and then it flows southward like an ocean current into it indeed reaches the ocean. Contrary to popular belief, Miami does get cold. Last year this time it hit the 30's and coupled with the wind, it was a tropical snow globe minus the snow. For the most part we all hate it, but it's the closest we'll get to having a winter season so a lot of us enjoy it. Besides, all the girls love being able to wear their winter clothes and I too must admit that I think winter is the cutest of all fashion seasons.
Today was officially my last day of having to go back to school. I know for a fact I passed pscyhology with an A, and english too, music appreciation probably not. I went to a mandatory conference to overview my final document for my English class, which was 10 pages of fucking hell, with my good friend Juan and my new girlfriend Milan. My professor is so awesome. He's a 40-something liberal with an appetite for self actualization. In short, he's a hippie. Very well presented and well-voiced, but his mind is just all about the true welfare of the inner being. It made this semester of English that much easier. Anyway, he said he loved my work and I passed the conference. He even went so far as to recommend that Juan and I consider writing for this artistic booklet that our school publishes called Miambiance which focuses on literary works as well as photography and art. Very hipster, very awesome.
The future is looking good. I'm excited for this coming break and holiday season. Christmas in Oklahoma will be amazing and then going to New Jersey will for New Years will be even more so. Then I get to come back to another exciting semester at Miami-Dade College and fuck shit up with some of the best people i've come to know. Especially with my new relationship in the works, I can really see myself heading towards fulfilling my goals. Milan really brings out the best in me and I love it. Looking back now being with my ex, I really was so unhappy for so long but I just never gave up. I think the fact that she gave up on me was what really woke me up. Now, I really am happy. I know it's because it's things are new again but it's different this time around. Now, I have someone who says "please," and "thank you". Now I have someone who thinks i'm funny and sweet and when asked what she likes about me can actually answer with something other than "I don't know". Yeah, I used to get "I don't know" all the time and believe me, if you say you love someone you should kind of know. But man, that's dust in the wind and i'm ready to begin.
Day at the park, pre-planning an actual picnic day because we're lazy.
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