
Bacon&Egg Bagel

So much has happened recently that it would be too overwhelming for me to effectively explain it without it taking at least an essay sized post. All i'm capable to explain fully is that life is looking very interesting. My ex left me, the semesters ending, and a new relationship is beginning. Give or take the variable of novelty, this girl is other worldly for the world of Miami. Goes to college, has a job, not an alcoholic or a pothead, super-mother-effing hot, and is a total sweet heart. I mean, what do you expect me to do, nothing!? Heck no, sometimes you just have to go for what you want. And I don't think it's too soon, or i'm just trying to move on either. I knew my last relationship was over a long time ago but I was really blind to it until after. I was taken for granted. Now? i'm just so excited for blissful content and Happiness.
Like I said before, the semesters ending and that too makes me so pumped. Not just for the vast amount of coquito i'm going to drink or the pit stop in Owasso before I go to New Jersey. It's the accumulation of the experiences within all that. I'm just excited for the future overall as I should be everyday regardless. But no one can deny when things start falling in place you can't help but be that much more excited.
So, my baby sister doesn't know i'm coming on Christmas. It's her suprise. I'm so excited. i told her like 2 months ago that I was going to come see her soon but we never told her when. I promise you all you'll hear when she sees me is the sound of a crying girl, and my sister laughing at me. I'm so ready to be home in Owasso with a town full of family. I'M SO READY. And hey i'm getting these too, so I can stand Oklahoma snow.

X-Mas List:
1) College to be cheaper
2) The economy to stop sucking so I can find a job
3) World peace
4) Big booty ho's.

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