
Before I say anything else: Dear anyone who reads this, if you ever have to get braces- run. My teeth feel like glass.

So, I just got back sunday night from a trip I took to Ocala, FL to see my friend in firefighter college. It was awesome. Mad respect to firefighters. Surprisingly northern Florida resembles Oklahoma more than I could have anticipated. Being around open pastures, cows and country folk never made me feel more at home here. My friend Anthony was also doing very well there. At 5'4, amongst the shortest there (refer to the picture above), he was setting records in their exercises and man, i'm so proud. After a hard days work we ended up in a hotel room with a bunch of the firefighters and just partied into the late night before they went back to their careers and we went back home. It was time well spent I must say. A funny thing about Miami is that when live here you enjoy everything about it and when you leave you're so happy to get away and not in the normal sense of getting away from you're home and it stressors but when you live here there's something about getting away that makes you feel free. Ask anyone who lives here. It's uncanny. This place is a black hole.

And about my braces, I just went to the ortho yesterday morning after class and they took off the wires and put on tightertightertighter ones on because i'm actually really close to getting them off so now my teeth feel like they are all on the verge of falling out so eating is a dream. I just got over having a fever for a week and not eating so you could understand why this is such a blow to my stomach.

If you know me you know I love volunteer shirts. They just make me so excited. This is the newest to my collection as part of Team FPL (Florida Power and Light) in the Race For the Cure in Miami. I've never seen an event so big. Honestly. With over 25,000 people it was by far my most favorite race so far and all the women in leggings totally helped.

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