
Force of Nature

So, i'm not really sure what i'm supposed to say. Life is... progressing?

I'm only in my second semester, so school isn't really the biggest worry right now. With guided procrastination i'm able to juggle a moderate social life with moderate academic attentiveness. My sleeping schedule is fucked, but isn't everyones? Ethics is kind of whooping my ass but only because of the prompts for our homework which are strictly essays. Although, my first essay he wrote 'EXCELLENT' and annotated that all my future essays should resemble that one. So, I have him in my pocket, hahaha. I have to have 36 lab hours for my math class and I tell myself i'll do at least 2 every other day but no, i'm a lazy sack. I have to cram like a seasons worth of LOST episode reviews that I haven't written yet by 10 a.m. tomorrow for English, so that blows chunks. And don't even get me started on my Jazz Culture class. 2 chapter test with a 17 song listening test on thursday? Fuck me. I'm making it by, you know? It's hard but i'm getting it done.
Speaking of school, I'm inching closer to RSU everyday. I've already sent my transcripts from my current college and my SAT scores, I need to send my high school transcripts and I should be just about there. It's all very exciting and all very scary at the same time. What ever. You'll never know if you can swim in the ocean if you don't start in the bathtub.

I'm still unemployed. I swear I could apply to places under 20 separate names and still not get hired. I just sent my resume in to this guy who owns this workout corp. in Coconut Grove which is like a fancy district not too far away and it would pay like $10 for me to be his assistant and that would be awesome, so. My fingers are crossed.

I'm also still single. No one wants to date the kid thats moving away, so that's cool. Not. I don't really want a relationship, but I miss the intimacy. People are just afraid to get attached, that's understandable. But i'm just as afraid as everyone else. It just sucks knowing i'll be flying relatively solo for the next 6 months. Not a big deal most, but I like having at least one person to spill the beans to, to pass out doing nothing with, someone to make it through the day to see. That, that's what I miss.

I took this picture on a day I was really depressed and it always stuck with me.